

Lara CMS has a content builder. With this builder you can create and define your own custom content-types from the backend, with just a few clicks. No coding required.

User & permission management

Lara CMS has a role bases permission system. This is provided by the excellent package silber/bouncer. This means you can create roles, and assign specific abilities to a role. Each model has four abilities: view, create, update, delete. User can only get abilities by assigning a role to them.


Lara CMS is completely multi-language right out of the box. For the frontend this is provided by the package mcamara/laravel-localization. The frontend routes are automatically prefixed with the relevant country codes (ISO 2).


For the body text of the content-types we use TinyMCE, and for the inline images we use the package unisharp/laravel-filemanager.

Lara CMS has an advanced menu editor. You can create multiple menus (main, top, footer, etc.), and add pages, folders, modules, and even modules filtered by a specific tag. Slugs and routes are created and updated automatically.

SEO Editor

You can edit the relevant SEO title and meta tag for every single content item. This can be done in the module for that content type, or in the dedicated SEO editor. Image titles can be edited in the image editor.

Media Management

You can add several images to any content type: a featured image, a hero, a full gallery. The images in the frontend are scaled, cropped with the package intervention/image and cached with intervention/imagecache. For storage disks you can use the local disk of the web server, or S3.

Video Management

For the use of videos, we have three options:

  • Embedded videos (Youtube)

  • Upload videos to web server

  • Manage videos with Cloudflare Stream

Categories & Tags

Every content-type can have (hierarchical) categories and (non-hierarchical) tags. They can be used to filter large lists of content in the fontend, as well as the backend.


With the builder you can create relationships between two models. In the default demo content there is an example of a one-to-many relationship between events and locations.


Lara CMS has a very flexible widget system. You can add text/html widgets, or you can add widgets that are automatically populated by a specific content-type. Widgets can be added to a page by defining it in the template, or it can be added dynamically by the webmaster in the backend.


Lara CMS uses standard translation files, but all translation are managed in the database. The webmaster can manage all translations in the translation module, and export them to the translation files. If a specific translation key in a template is not found in the database, it is automatically added.

Last updated