Tab: filters

The filters tab contains two different ways to filter your content.

  • has groups

  • has tags


The groups filter is a very simple non-hierarchical filter, that uses the cgroup column in the main entity table. This field is used for e.g. the page entity, to distinguish standard pages from module pages, or email pages. Because the groups filter uses the cgroup column in the main entity table, every row can only belong to one group.


The tags filter adds a relation between the entity and advanced taxonomies, like (hierarchical) categories, or (non-hierarchical) tags.

The taxonomies are store in the lara_object_taxonomies table. The terms are stored in the lara_object_tags table. The relations between the individual entity models and the terms are stored in the lara_object_taggables table.

Nested sets

The hierarchy in the Tags table is provided by the nested set package kalnoy/nestedset


When you look at the database or the backend, the word 'tag' is used in different contexts with different meanings.

The correct terminology would be:


  • categories (hierarchical)

    • terms: cat 1, subcat 1.1, subcat 1.2, cat 2, cat 3, etc.

  • tags (non-hierarchical)

    • terms: tag 1, tag 2, tag 3

Historically we use the word 'tag' for the entire group of taxonomies. And the table which holds the terms is calledlara_object_tags , instead of lara_object_terms which would have been more appriate.

Last updated